Dance of the Herring

Dance of the Herring, Herring Spawn, Hornby Island, BC

Dance of the Herring

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Surprisingly, the most challenging wild animals to witness during the herring spawn are the herring themselves, cloaked as they are in their fog cloud of sperm. So while sea lions, eagles, seals and marine birds abound, I had to hunt the edges of the herring spawn fog to see the herring. But, I found them and was it ever glorious!

Bob putting camera pole into the water
I have my camera on a pole, hoping to get it into the clear water just on the edge of the milky spawn area
Sea gulls feeding
Gulls feeding on herring as they spawn
Herring spawn
Herring school about to enter the spawn area
Herring during the spawn as the male sperm clouds the water
Man standing in herring spawn
Herring are spawning all around me in the rockweed