Whales, Sea Lions and Seals
West Coast Trail – The Wild Side of Whales, Waterfalls and Tidepools – Pacific Rim National Park
Updated on: My brother and I explore the wild shore of the West Coast Trail – whales and eagles, tide pools, waterfalls, and beaches, with hiking boots, face mask and wetsuit.
Humpback Comeback – The Return of Humpback Whales to the Salish Sea
Updated on: Three juvenile humpbacks cavort at my home island and bring back my memories of a remarkable week further north among the islands watching humpbacks feed.
Sea Lion and Anchovy Dance
Sea lions feeding on schools of anchovy. Here is what is going on underwater.
Canticle for Sea Lions in Howe Sound
My friend Susan Alexander wrote a beautiful poem about sea lions along the shores of Bowen Island and so we worked together to set it to the story that inspired her.
Herring Spawn! Serengeti of the Sea – Hornby Island, BC
Perhaps the most extraordinary day I have ever spent on the ocean was the day in my kayak in a small herring spawn on the shores of Hornby Island
The Seal
On an early spring snorkel, I encounter a curious young seal that becomes increasingly friendly, all the way to a remarkable conclusion.
Return of the Humpbacks
My exciting encounters with several humpack whales on the west side of Bowen Island.
Sea Lion Spring
On an April kayak trip, I encounter sea lions feeding on anchovy. The sea lions that have trapped a school in a cove, and eagles are grabbing the scraps.
Orca Morning
I get an early morning call that a pod of orca were swimming north on the west side of the island. So I move fast and meet them as they swam by.
Howe Sound Ballet
Below a chaos of diving gulls, I discover an underwater ballet of seals, sea lion and anchovy.