Exploring Our Estuary: The Rich Life of Kwil’akm (Deep Bay)

EXPLORING OUR ESTUARY         The Rich Life of  Kwil'akm/Mannion Bay,   Nexwlélexwem/Bowen Island

Exploring Our Estuary: The Rich Life of Kwil’akm (Deep Bay)

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On a warm summer day, I explore my island’ largest estuary – a creek, ocean-mouth lagoon, and bay – to witness the wild living of this small stream estuary ecosystem. From crayfish and trout, to algae and stickleback fish, to oysters, clams and eelgrass, I witness a fun and engaging diversity of life.

Snorkeler entering the water
Getting into the creek
Merganser with chicks
Merganser with chicks doing some preening
Snorkeler gliding over mussels
Mussel reef with shiner perch, in Bay
Algae in the lagoon
The oxygen factory – a magical bubble forest within the algae in the Lagoon
Cayfish on a rock underwater
A crayfish ready to fight in creek